Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Future: Global Hegemony or New Dark Ages?

Big Brother is Watching?,0,2452496.column

Is one, centralized, global government inevitable?

A New World Religion?


Rachel said...

Yes, I believe so because history has proven it with other civilizations many times. It is a trend for regions to unify for a period of time, then fragment apart for a while, and then begin unifying once more. This is illustrated with every civilization, as each civilization rose from the ruins of its disunified predecessor. For a while each country remained separate and autonomous due to the great distance and diverse geography that prevented communication. Now with the rise of technology, communication is much faster and easier which would allow a group to control the vast world. However, I am not sure how long it would last due to the cultrual differences and the magnitude of the borders.

Unknown said...

The new world religion article makes me cringe. Luckily, it's from 2002.

Illiterate Bookworm said...

Already we are all one. Politics will soon follow.

Of course, all of these philosophical questions would be rendered completely irrelevant if Terra were to intersect the path of a comet, or if something similarly disastrous were to occur.

sohan said...

sometimes i knid of wonder what a unified gov would be. i dont think it would be too bad if it is truly achived. i guess the transition away, towards this politically one socity would be what would cause chaos

Mired Thoughts said...

It will not happen unless humans cease to follow their own nature.

A global government would, in essence, make every country equal. But if that were to happen, stronger countries would lose power. Say, for example, a global minumum wage was set at $7.00 an hour. I can assure you that American foreign buisnesses do not pay that currently. So for the world to be even, American buisinesses would lose a considerable amount of money in order to promote the equality of foreign workers. Obviously, Americans are not going to give up millions of dollars a year so we can have a world government. As long as corporations are motivated by personal gain rather than the good of the nation, a world government will not happen. Also, god is a symbolic term that signifies the union of religeon and state, and does not name any specific god. The word god is only associated with God because our white, European forefathers had no creativity, yet muslims and jews both worship the same god with a different name. Banning words from our pledge is in full violation of the constitution.