Thursday, December 6, 2007

Which Came First: Slavery or Racism?

Post your opinion below...


max said...

Slavery caused racism. When the Europeans went to get slaves, they didn't pick Africans because they hated them, the picked Africans because they were more resistant to diseases, and because they didn't have firearms, they were the easiest to exploit at the time. After the slaves were brought back to the Americas, Carribean, or Europe, the slave owners needed to come up with an excuse to make enslaving Africans morally acceptable to themselves. The ethnocentrism that is human nature gave a basis for their excuses. By saying that the people they were enslaving were inferior, unworthy, or even not human, they made it acceptable to them to enslave people. The need to justify their cruel acts led to slavery, so racism arose from slavery.

wingrove said...

Slavery caused racism, although the ethnocentric tendencies of those in power naturally led them to enslave races other than their own, and attempt to justify it. However, the slavers choose slaves based on profit and availability, not race. Amerindians were forced into labor throughout the colonies, until they all died and Africans became the major labor force. Enslaving Africans brought many benefits, especially because they were resistant to disease. After time passed, slave rebellions, a lack of education, and the unfamiliar and misunderstood African culture led to negative connotations surrounding the African race. Unfortunately, these associations became commonplace and somewhat permanent throughout the centuries. Today we are still fighting the racism caused by slavery.

Unknown said...

When the Europeans or even Africans decided to enslave Africans, they did not chose this group of people based on their racist feelings toward them, but because of their need of the Africans for their labor. Also, Africans were less succeptible to common diseases and proved to be better in value and profit than indentured servants. For these reasons and more were they enslaved- not for the color of their skin or where they were from. Over time, I believe, that because this group's use became predominant in slavery, and therefore, their skin tone/ethinicity began to become associated with inferior thoughts. This is what led to the racism, which came AFTER the slavery.

Unknown said...

Slavery caused racism. When the Europeans including went on expeditions to go capture slaves, they did not target African Americans first. First, they captured the Amerindians from the New World. But the Amerindians could not withstand the diseases brought by the Europeans. So other people were needed. When the Europeans caught sight of Africa, they saw a lot of sugarcane. Soon the Europeans started growing it, and they saw how prosperous it was. They also saw a group of people who were actually resistant to the Europeans' diseases. They were the Africans. The Europeans thought about capturing these Africans and forcing them to grow the sugarcane crop. But the Europeans did not like that the Africans had a culture very different from their own European culture. Also, the Africans with the strongest African culture tended to be the most rebellious. This may be where racism started because forcing the Africans to accept European culture would keep them from rebelling.

Kevin said...

Slavery caused racism. Slavery came to be because of the lack of sufficient/efficient labor in the Americas. The Americas didn't have sufficient population to manage the large plantations which fueled the Atlantic Circuit. This was because the Americas were a colony, meaning the only way to increase popultaion was to bring in more colonists from the "Motherland." Because travel to the Americas was so expensive colonists rarely came and so many farmers were forced to relay on slaves. Which were continually brought over in groves, as the population of slaves increased (and soon passed the white population)whites were forced to use "fear tactics" thus racism to keep slaves in check. Also whites had to find a way to as Max said justify their cruel acts to slaves, this was found racism if someone could feel superior to another race, then in their head their actions are justified by their superiority.

Mired Thoughts said...

Look at the ancient Mayans. Their slaves were often those captured in war. Their use of slavery was from the need to sacrifice to their gods. Slaves were simply the captured women and children or the surplus men. The Romans would go to great lengths to aquire an Egyptian or Greek cook. After many years of faithful service, a slave owner often chose free a slave, and then helped provide for that freed-man so that he may set up his own income. Freed-men were granted all the rights of a man born free except that they could not run for office, but their children were granted full citizenship. Many African slaves were war captives or debtors. The mongol slaves often became slaves to avoid starvation. Racism did not even appear until the trans-atlantic slave trade began, and even then European merchants shared their religous brotherhood with their African counterparts.
Racism was simply a way to 'justify' the horrors of slave-life.

maxtar said...

Racism resulted from slavery rather than being the driving force of slavery. At first, slavery was used to complete a large project quicker for the benefit of one people at the expense of another people. The picking of slaves was not based on race. Instead, Europeans observed the African system of slaves acting as property. Europeans thought that if Africans were enslaving their own people, then they could certainly get in on the slave trade. But, once slavery greatly increased, Europeans used racism as a tool for support of their actions.

hj said...

although its been mentioned several times before: Slavery caused racism because of the need for slaves.

Slaves were needed in order to work all of the farms, and therefore control was needed over large masses of slaves. The only way of doing this is to make yourself believe that you are superior to the slaves, allowing less restraint on morals for more brutal methods of control. Thus, creating racism

McBeal said...

I believe that slavery caused racism. Think about it, people in the same continent or even the same region enslaved one another. They didn't do so because they were against that specific race of people. But by doing so, a rift between different cultures cultivated which then led to the thought that certain cultures or ethnicities were superior to other around them. The repercussions from slavery led to racism and the division between the races. Because of the cruel treatment of the people being enslaved contributed to the beginning of racism. This gives emphasis on the fact that racism developed from slavery.

Morgan Roth said...

Slavery caused racism. The Africans had already been practicing slavery withing the countries, the Europeans just took the slaves somewhere else. This was viewed as a way of life, not an act of racism. Later on racism comes in because the Europeans viewed blacks as below them because their race had always practiced slavery.

GrinSama said...

NICHOLE:You know, the more I think about it (and after looking at your poll), I’m
starting to think that slavery and racism both rose at the same time and
neither came first, because those enslaved are usually not of the same race
or on good terms with the people they’re captured by. If anything, the
selfish nature of mankind is at fault for slavery. Slaves don’t willingly
become slaves, so it is the generally more powerful person (be it
technologically, economically, or simply physically) that ends up enslaving
the weaker. The Africans ended up submitting to Europe’s superior weapons,
much like how the Amerindians were conquered and forced to work for the
Europeans. And then the African Kings that sold slaves were driven by greed
for Europe’s power and goods. For them, it probably seemed like a Win-Win
situation: the Europeans get their slaves and the Kings get their goods.
Everyone’s happy! …except for the slaves of course, but these Kings wanted
to be feared rather that loved apparently… And then racism appeared as a
source of justification, but really, it’s just the big guys picking on the
little guy. Little guy can’t defend himself; big guys exploit it. But that’s
just how the world works; humans are opportunistic and greedy creatures. It
’s unfortunate, but hey, that’s life.

Unknown said...

"Slavery was not born of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery." Eric Williams, a West Indian historian, stated this because he felt that the shift from Amerindian slaves to African slaves was because the African slaves were cheaper. Slavery has been in existence for centuries and will not end for some time either. Thus, racism came from slavery, because the more powerful race felt superior after they enslaved another race. The wealthier race was and is greedy and takes advantage of other races to benefit themselves not out of racism, but of greediness.

Unknown said...

"Slavery was not born of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery." Eric Williams, a West Indian historian, stated this because he felt that the shift from Amerindian slaves to African slaves was because the African slaves were cheaper. Slavery has been in existence for centuries and will not end for some time either. Thus, racism came from slavery, because the more powerful race felt superior after they enslaved another race. The wealthier race was and is greedy and takes advantage of other races to benefit themselves not out of racism, but of greediness.

Unknown said...

"Slavery was not born of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery." Eric Williams, a West Indian historian, stated this because he felt that the shift from Amerindian slaves to African slaves was because the African slaves were cheaper. Slavery has been in existence for centuries and will not end for some time either. Thus, racism came from slavery, because the more powerful race felt superior after they enslaved another race. The wealthier race was and is greedy and takes advantage of other races to benefit themselves not out of racism, but of greediness.

mcmahan said...

Slavery caused racism. Slavery has existed since the beginning of civilizations, before different races had even met each other. For example the peoples of ancient Mesopotamia were all of the Arabic race, yet slavery existed. This brings in the question: How can racism exist before slavery if other races had never met? The simple answer is it can't. Now as time went on and the different races began to incorporate each other into major kingdoms, then racism began. It began not because of slavery, but human nature. All humans are scared of what they don't know much about. In kingdoms where one race made up the majority of the population, the minorities would be looked upon with suspicion. This suspicion eventually led to racism.

Anonymous said...

Slavery caused racism

A. Slavery originally was purely economic: Native Americans and even some Europeans were slaves too - not just Africans. Therefore, discrimination didn't exist at that time.

B. Racism came later: During post-American Rev. Era, the black population specifically had no rights (stereotyping). That's racist.

Because of those points, I think it's legitimate to say that slavery caused racism - racism didn't cause slavery.

Unknown said...

I don't believe that racism caused slavery, but I also know that racism was prevalent before slavery. gender and class discrimination is just as much racism as judging someone because of the color of their skin. I don't think it is true to say that slavery caused racism when it was already there. While I don't think that African's were chosen to be slaves because of their skin color, I do believe that the slave owners believed and acted on the fact that they thought they were superior to the Africans.

Carlyle said...

I believe that slavery caused racism. The Europeans who enslaved the Africans were simply greedy. They wanted to do whatever they could to yield a large profit. Taking advantage of Africans so labor was virtually free did not seem wrong to them. However, I don’t believe that Europeans took Africans as slaves purely because of race. I think they just needed workers and Africans were just more suited for the job. Although enslaving another human being and basically treating them like a piece of property is extremely awful, I believe the slave owners used racism to defend this particularly horrible concept.

Unknown said...

I think racism caused slavery. Europeans always thought of themselves as superior to every other race in the world and so enslaving millions of "inferior" people was considered as doing the Africans a favor, since they did not even consider Africans as humans and thought that they could not think for themselves and that the Europeans should decide what's best for them. And some forms of racism were between tribes, like it was in Africa before the Atlantic Trade, who also had slavery.

sina said...

slavery caused racism. When the Europeans picked the Africans, they had no hate for them. They picked them because the Africans were the strongest and most immune to the diseases. Once the Africans came over, the Europeans tryed to make excusses on picking the africans and that is my opinion on how slavery caused racism.

Dylan said...

I think that racism was a way for Europeans to justify their enslavement of the Africans. People are always looking for excuses to back up their bad choices, and racial inferiority was an easy and obvious excuse for the Europeans to use.

Theres more to it than that of course, but when you take into account the economic motives and all the other stuff you guys said racism as justification for slavery was that moral security blanket that helped the slave traders feel better about what they were doing. Not cool.

Dylan said...
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Anonymous said...

Slavery caused racism. When people started buying slaves, they didn't look at a certain race. They just bought whoever. After years went on, people started to notice the skin color of the slaves... That's how I think racism got started. So, if there weren't any slavery maybe those slaves could have had their own respect for who they were.

Rachel said...

I believe that racism arose from slavery, not the other way around. Slavery was around since the first civilizations, the slaves built many of the cities such as Egypt and Mesopotamia. The people were enslaved not on race, but for labor. The reason that slaves tended to have darker skin was from being out in the hot sun all day and getting sunburnt. In India, the Aryans used the drasas caste to “do the dirty work” of society. From that, the distinction of skin color arose because the pale Aryans considered themselves superior to the drasas. The same holds true for the Americas. The Europeans initially were looking for a strong labor force. They attempted to use the natives because they were cheaper, but the lack of resistance to disease wiped many of them out. So, they turned to the stronger, yet more expensive, slaves from Africa. They were more effective and didn’t die as much as the locals. From this, just like with the Aryans in India, slave owners felt superior. From this feeling of superiority, they felt justified in treating the slaves so horribly, insulting them and forcing them to work extremely hard. Eventually, the superiority complex (  ) led to the common belief that the slaves weren’t humans. The rest, as they say, is history.

Richard Park said...

Racism and slavery have gone hand and hand throughout history, but in my opinion, racism caused slavery. Throughout history, Europeans captured a huge number of African slaves, infringing upon their freedoms and rights as human beings by sending them to lives of slavery. I believe that racism caused slavery because the only logical explanation of why Europeans would infringe upon the rights of the Africans is that they felt that they were superior to them in every way. If the Europeans were not racist, then even in their own minds they would be enslaving a life absolutely equal to their own. If this was the case, I feel that slavery would have not occurred. Racism still exist in the United States today, where slavery has long been abolished. But tracing them back to their origins, I feel that racism caused the enslavement of millions, not the other way around.

Illiterate Bookworm said...

In the beginning (of civilization), there was a little bit of racism or social stratification, and there was a small amount of slavery. The two fed each other's supremely greedy appetites and therefore each caused the other to grow exponentially in volume and in depth throughout the centuries, until a band of people wielded their mad skillz and in the late second millennium deftly eliminated at least one portion (slavery) from one region of the planet. Slowly, and unfortunately asymptotically, the descendants of these skilled people removed small pieces of racism at a time.

Morgan said...

Slavery caused racism. First, I don't really believe that there was racism before slavery, but I do believe that people were ethnocentric. I think that people can be ethnocentric without being racist because ethnocentricity is a common human trait. A lot of people believe that their way of life is superior, especially in America, but that doesn't mean that they are racist. Also, I believe that ethnocentricity caused some of the reason for slavery because ethnocentricity existed before racism. I mean, I really don't think someone just randomly went up to the Africans and were like,"O my're as great as me...i really don't like you!" And like someone else said, the Europeans didn't pick the Africans because they didn't like them, they picked them because they were more immune to American/European diseases than the natives in America were. Also, I think that the Europeans needed to have a reason to be so cruel to the Africans. Also, I think that because the ways of life for the Africans were so foreign to the Europeans, they treated them badly because they didn't understand that that was their culture, and what was normal for the Africans. conclusion...I think that ethnocentricity, foreign culture, and immunity to diseases caused slavery...which caused racism.

Lydia said...

In my opinion, racism was the cause of slavery. Slavery came about due to the need for people to work on plantations. The Europeans decided to use Africans due to reasons such as their resistance to many diseases. To justify their actions, they said that the Africans were inferior to them which is where racism came in. Since then, racism continued throughout the Americas and unfortunately still continues today, all because of slavery.

David Lim said...

Just as most ppl agree, I believe that racism came from slavery.
1. Slavery existed among many of same races
2. Before the enslavement of Africans, the Europeans and the Africans had many mutual trade relationships as well as militarial alliances
3. European Christians actually viewed the Middle Eastern Muslims as an inferior race but maintained a mutual relationship due to the fact that it was beneficial.
The Europeans wanted a cheap and expendable labor force. The Africans were militarily weak as their technology was primal. The Europeans took advantage of the cheap labor. Since the Africans were expendable, they were looked down upon causing "racism".

Arno Ma said...
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